This is a year over year report for single family home listings and sales in Braintree, Massachusetts, and was generated using publicly available information on the MLS. The full data is shown in the image below.
Braintree Real Estate Market Listing Activity
There have been more listings in Braintree year to date than in the previous year. There have been 140 listings taken thus far this year compared to 123 in the same period of 2023. This represents an increase of 14%, which checks out with the broader greater Boston stats of increasing inventory. 123 of these listings have gone “pending” this year, meaning they have an offer accepted and/or purchase and sale agreement signed - as compared to 117 last year. This is a modest increase.
The average list price of single family homes in Braintree for sale has increased by 8% - from $702k to $758k.
Sales Activity
The average days on market has moved down from 31 to 26, and days to offer has moved down from 19 to 17, indicating that well-priced inventory is moving more quickly than it already was. Average sales price per square foot has increased from $361.59 to $407.26 - an increase of 12.6%.
Overall the Braintree market is incredibly strong. As an agent I particularly look out for total number of listings, days on market, and average sales price per square foot.
When inventory rises, one would normally expect the days on market to increase and average sales price per square foot to decrease. This is not the case with Braintree right now.
The inventory that is coming online is selling quickly, as the days on market/days to offer has trended down from numbers that were already very low. The average sales price per square foot for this period versus the same period in 2023 increasing by nearly 13% is an incredibly strong signal.
Are you looking to buy or sell in Braintree? I would love to set up a conversation to chat more about how I can secure you the best price and terms for your transaction by leveraging my expertise on the Braintree real estate market.